A solução de seus desafios de transformação SASE e Zero Trust começa com a Netskope na RSA. Saiba mais.

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    Mudando a forma como a rede e a segurança trabalham juntas.

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    A Netskope atende a mais de 3.000 clientes em todo o mundo, incluindo mais de 25 das empresas da Fortune 100

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Saiba por que o 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ nomeou a Netskope como líder em Security Service Edge pelo terceiro ano consecutivo.

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Netskope Named a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge graphic for menu
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A estratégia de comercialização da Netskope, focada em Parcerias, permite que nossos Parceiros maximizem seu crescimento e lucratividade enquanto transformam a segurança corporativa.

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Group of diverse young professionals smiling
Sua Rede do Amanhã

Planeje seu caminho rumo a uma rede mais rápida, segura e resiliente projetada para os aplicativos e usuários aos quais você oferece suporte.

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Sua Rede do Amanhã
Apresentando a plataforma Netskope One

O Netskope One é uma plataforma nativa da nuvem que oferece serviços convergentes de segurança e rede para permitir sua transformação SASE e zero trust.

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Abstrato com iluminação azul
Adote uma arquitetura Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

O Netskope NewEdge é a maior nuvem privada de segurança de alto desempenho do mundo e oferece aos clientes cobertura de serviço, desempenho e resiliência inigualáveis.

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Netskope Cloud Exchange

O Cloud Exchange (CE) da Netskope oferece aos clientes ferramentas de integração poderosas para tirar proveito dos investimentos em estratégias de segurança.

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Vídeo da Netskope
A plataforma do futuro é a Netskope

Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Firewall, Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG) e Private Access for ZTNA integrados nativamente em uma única solução para ajudar todas as empresas em sua jornada para o Secure Access Service Arquitetura de borda (SASE).

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Vídeo da Netskope
Next Gen SASE Branch é híbrida — conectada, segura e automatizada

Netskope Next Gen SASE Branch converge o Context-Aware SASE Fabric, Zero-Trust Hybrid Security e SkopeAI-Powered Cloud Orchestrator em uma oferta de nuvem unificada, inaugurando uma experiência de filial totalmente modernizada para empresas sem fronteiras.

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Pessoas no escritório de espaço aberto
Desenvolvendo uma Arquitetura SASE para Leigos

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Mude para serviços de segurança na nuvem líderes de mercado com latência mínima e alta confiabilidade.

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Lighted highway through mountainside switchbacks
Permita com segurança o uso de aplicativos generativos de IA com controle de acesso a aplicativos, treinamento de usuários em tempo real e a melhor proteção de dados da categoria.

Saiba como protegemos o uso de IA generativa
Ative com segurança o ChatGPT e a IA generativa
Soluções de zero trust para a implementação de SSE e SASE

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Boat driving through open sea
Netskope obtém alta autorização do FedRAMP

Escolha o Netskope GovCloud para acelerar a transformação de sua agência.

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Netskope GovCloud
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Impulsionando a inovação em uma força de trabalho cada vez mais remota
Neste episódio, o apresentador Max Havey investiga o mundo do trabalho remoto e da inovação.

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Impulsionando a inovação em uma força de trabalho cada vez mais remota
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SASE Week 2023: Sua jornada SASE começa agora!

Replay das sessões da quarta SASE Week anual.

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SASE Week 2023
O que é o Security Service Edge?

Explore o lado de segurança de SASE, o futuro da rede e proteção na nuvem.

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Apoiando a sustentabilidade por meio da segurança de dados

A Netskope tem o orgulho de participar da Visão 2045: uma iniciativa destinada a aumentar a conscientização sobre o papel da indústria privada na sustentabilidade.

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Apoiando a sustentabilidade por meio da segurança de dados
Pensadores, construtores, sonhadores, inovadores. Juntos, fornecemos soluções de segurança na nuvem de última geração para ajudar nossos clientes a proteger seus dados e seu pessoal.

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A talentosa e experiente equipe de Serviços Profissionais da Netskope fornece uma abordagem prescritiva para sua implementação bem sucedida.

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Group of young professionals working

Netskope and Okta: Coming Together for Continuous Adaptive Trust

Nov 03 2022

Challenges from the modern workforce

The problem of securing the modern workforce goes beyond occasional spats between IT and security. The real problems we see are  user credentials under constant attack, alongside attempts to harvest and exploit enterprise data. Plus the cloud resources that workforces need are tough to secure, especially when deployed outside of IT-led processes. In light of these issues, corporations need a way to securely provide always-on cloud access for users while safeguarding enterprise data anywhere it goes.

There are underlying challenges that no single vendor can solve to help address these obstacles for securely enabling the modern workforce. Regardless of its efficacy, no one tool can solve all of these problems, and as a result we need modern tools to be integrated. For example, identity-based controls require federation, while legacy security solutions are stuck on the binary of either allowing or blocking sessions, applications, or transactions. 

Let’s expand on these examples and explore what the dependencies of identity based and security-based controls mean for IT teams.

  1. Identity-based controls

According to the July 2022 Netskope Cloud and Threat Report, organizations use an average of 2,100 apps, while only approximately 89 applications are managed by IT according to Okta’s Business at Work 2022 Annual Report. The modern workplace typically enables users to procure and access applications without requesting permission from security or IT. IT can only federate applications that they have formally rolled out, leading to this significant disparity. There are third-party systems or applications that can drive users back to IT, but IT still needs to federate to fully control the application. 

  1. Security-based controls

The traditional approach was to block unknown or untrusted applications or websites because security teams lacked the ability to see how users could engage with these resources. It did not matter that identity providers, like Okta, provided an authenticated user to tie to the resource being reached because either the connection was implicitly trusted (a known user going to the “safe” OneDrive site, but really using their non-corporate instance), or explicitly denied (known user going to a relatively unknown cloud site to do perfectly safe business and blocking may just be “safer”). Without context, security-controls are going to over-correct or under-correct. 

With context and deep visibility into not only the user and the destination, but also the minutiae around how they are connecting and what they are doing with the data and service, we can safely navigate and enable the modern worker. Here’s how we can do this:

Continuous adaptive zero trust

Netskope and Okta are proud to reaffirm our commitment to an integration strategy that helps IT and security provide nuanced, continuous zero trust controls that keep the workforce secure, performant, and productive. How do we do this?

  1. Fine-grained access control lets IT provision users and groups within Netskope for policies covering ALL Internet activities
  2. Policy-driven cloud access backed by strong authentication powers visibility into user access and behavior from login to logout for all applications and web browsing 
  3. Globally consistent, continuously enforced, real-time identity-based policy including automated ongoing identity validation based on risk
  4. Enterprises can enjoy real-time end-to-end protections from a wide array of internal and external threats thanks to this industry-leading identity and secure access services edge (SASE) partnership

Netskope helps companies get more out of their identity spend by binding the use of all applications to Okta managed identity in Netskope reporting and enforcement. So even if your users decide to start engaging with an application that no one in the IT/identity shop knows about, Netskope ties their non-federated usage to their Okta identity. Now IT can bring those much-needed applications (and there are MANY) back into the Okta Life Cycle Management program.

Another example of how this works is in our joint approach to delivering Access, Authentication, and Authorization (AAA) in a hybrid IT environment. Netskope Private Access for Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) securely enables users—that Okta Advanced Server Access has authenticated at session establishment and that Netskope continuously revalidates using Okta step up tech—to access the premise or cloud-based solution. Okta then manages the authorization of the user to work with the application. Netskope brings secure access, Okta delivers industry leading authentication and authorization, as depicted in the diagram below.

Together, we’re unstoppable and the age of free love between IT and Security is possible. Learn more about how Netskope can help you get more out of your Okta solution and safely enable your modern workplace.

Netskope is sponsoring and exhibiting at Okta’s annual customer and user conference, Oktane 22, on Nov 8-10 in San Francisco. We’re showcasing the Netskope SSE Intelligent platform and our key Okta integrations that help organizations eliminate the security risks associated with Shadow IT, and provide more visibility and control over all applications used by employees, sanctioned and unsanctioned and more. Stop by the Netskope booth #E7 to speak with our team and to see our latest demos.

author image
David Willis
David is an experienced business, security, and technology leader with over 20 years of experience across telecommunications, financial services, and software industry verticals. David currently serves as Head of Technology Integrations for the Business Development Team, focused on addressing tactical and strategic security and IT solution integration needs at scale for Netskope customers. David also leads the building and expansion of new routes to market for Netskope.

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